Katy Clarke, smiling, delivering speech behind a podium

The Governor’s Academy for Engineering Studies recently celebrated its journey from an innovative idea in 1999 to a thriving program in 2025. An anniversary gala at the Science Museum of Virginia attracted more than 250 specialty center alumni, community partners and past and present teachers and administrators.

Two women huggingBeth Teigen

A gruop of people smiling and celebratingNancy Hoover talking with others

The program enrolled its first 32 freshmen in 2000 as the Pre-Engineering Specialty Center located at Bird High School. The program grew and developed, becoming the Governor’s Academy for Engineering Studies in 2010. Along the way, the program has been headed by strong leaders:

  • Robin Malone 2000-04

  • Dr. Beth Teigen 2004-05

  • Dr. Nancy Hoover 2005-12

  • Bob Benway 2012-18

  • Dr. Nancy Hoover (again!) 2018-21

  • Katy Clarke 2021-present

As current Specialty Center Coordinator (and Bird High alum) Katy Clarke said at the anniversary celebration, “Over the past 25 years, the pre-engineering specialty center has morphed and changed with its teachers, leaders, students and times into the Governor’s Academy of Engineering Studies that it is today. Ideas came and went, people moved on, but the heart and goals of the program remained — providing a space for students who are interested in engineering to explore the concepts and skills required to be a successful engineering college student alongside peers of similar interests and goals.”

The anniversary gala was also a celebration of Helmut Thielsch, who is retiring after teaching for 20 years at the engineering specialty center. Reminiscences by colleagues and students referenced his rigor, humor, comprehensive knowledge, compassion and encouragement.

Helmut Thielsch and Katy ClarkeThroughout its existence, the specialty center curriculum has provided a rigorous, lab-centered experience to prepare students for rapidly changing technologically based fields. The program also has an FRC robotics team, rocketry club, Technology Student Association and many other hands-on opportunities outside class.

Learn more about the Governor’s Academy for Engineering Studies.